For the Friend
Having a friend go into hospital can be upsetting and may leave you very worried. Try to remember that in times of crisis, a hospital is sometimes necessary in order to keep bipolar sufferers safe, and is a stable environment.
Visiting can be challenging as you may not want to see your friend like that, however seeing friends can give someone structure to their day and a reason to try and get well.
Each hospital environment will be slightly different and so there is no specific advice I can give you on what to expect, however it is important to try and put stereotypes of psychiatric wards out of your mind.
General Advice
For the Bipolar Individual
You may discover your friends find it hard to visit you during a hospital stay, or find it hard to approach you post episode. It is important to try and rationalise your thinking during this time, and not think they are abandoning you completely as this may lead to self-sabotaging behaviours.
You may lash out if you think you are being rejected, and may in fact make the situation worse. If something was said or done during an episode then try to make contact to apologize, even by letter, but bear in mind it might take people a while to feel ready to get back to you.
Post episode if you know you have done something wrong to someone, or if you have been hurtful, it is vital to try to build bridges again. Your friends may be reluctant to talk to you at first if you have been nasty, but explain that this was not meant, and was part of your illness. Apologising is important, and goes a long way.
For the Friend
One of the most important things to remember if you want a stable friendship with someone with bipolar is how vital it is not to stereotype. Everyone the world over is different and unique, and the way in which a bipolar sufferer goes through their illness is the same.
There are obviously trends and symptoms that run through the illness (in order to make it a recognised diagnosis) but everyone will experience it slightly differently – therefore it is important to try not to compare sufferers to a character you have seen on TV or in a film – these are usually inaccurate.
Your needs are vital and should be central to your life, and this should be the case even if your friend is having an episode, or is in hospital etc. It is important to always try to put yourself first, and to try and keep your needs paramount. This may feel difficult, and may feel as though you are being selfish – during an episode your friend may even use this as a reason to attack you, but you have to keep yourself as number 1.
Unfortunately, during an episode there is every chance that your friend with bipolar might lose their temper, or say something hurtful. Not taking things personally is another vital tool in your friendship kit, but a very hard one to acquire.
Try to assess what they are saying – is this something your friend would say normally, is this how they normally would behave? If the answer is no then remember that this is part of their illness, and not a reflection on how they feel about you.
The most important advice I can give anyone in a bipolar friendship, whether they are the individual with the disorder or the friend, is how important forgiveness, patience, and understanding are. Focusing on those will help keep your friendship strong.